The International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology (IACFP) is an organization of behavioral scientists and practitioners who are concerned with the delivery of high-quality mental health services to criminal offenders, and with promoting and disseminating research on the etiology, assessment and treatment of criminal behavior.

Attention IACFP members,
The most recent articles of the IACFP Bulletin are now available and can be found here.

IACFP membership includes the monthly journal, Criminal Justice and Behavior, The IACFP Bulletin; discounts on books and conferences; and electronic access to 58 journals in the SAGE Full-Text Collections in Criminology and Psychology.
IACFP members are not all psychologists and are not all active in the practice of forensic evaluations or correctional mental health. However, they typically have advanced degrees in behavioral sciences and engage in the administration, practice, teaching or research relating to incarcerated populations and those under community supervision.
Since 1954, the goals of the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology have been:

To promote the development of psychological practice in criminal justice and law enforcement settings.

To contribute toward appropriate teaching of the psychology of crime, delinquency and criminal justice.

To support the development and application of effective treatment approaches for individuals in the care of the criminal justice system.

To stimulate research into the nature of criminal behavior, to exchange such scientific information, and to publish the reports of scholarly studies of criminal behavior.

To concern ourselves with relevant public, professional and institutional issues which affect or are affected by the practice of psychology in the criminal justice system.