Dr. Reuben Jonathan Miller
IACFP has been sponsoring the Distinguished Scholar lecture at the annual ICPA Conference for a number of years – primarily because we share some important core values with ICPA. Just like ICPA, we are committed to partnering with other organizations in ‘Helping the Helpers’ — supporting corrections professionals worldwide, not just psychologists but all other helping professionals in our field. Both associations want to help imbue the field with both evidence- based and practitioner-informed policies and practices.
Dr. Miller is a University of Chicago sociologist and the author of Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration. Recently he was named a John D. MacArthur “Genius Grant” Fellow. This year the fellows were described as “offering new ways for us to understand the communities, systems, and social forces that shape our lives around the globe.” That certainly describes Dr. Miller’s work.
Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration, the title of Dr. Miller’s most recent book, was also the title of his Distinguished Scholar Lecture. The lecture was insightful, thought provoking and a call to action both personally and systemically. The PowerPoint slides that were used by Dr. Miller during his presentation are presented here. The video of his presentation is posted below.

IACFP and ICPA delivered a webinar on 9th July 2020. It addressed the issue of staff well-being and resilience during and after a pandemic. The panelists for the webinar were. Dr. Robin Belcher-Timme, Psy.D., ABPP, CCHP-MH, Vice President and Senior Consultant, Falcon, Inc., USA, Dr. Gabriel Ong, Principal Psychologist and Deputy Director, Psychological Research, Operations and Programme Design, Singapore Prison Service, Singapore, Dr. Sarah Lewis, Director, Penal Reform Solutions, United Kingdom, and Dr. Jake Phillips, Reader in Criminology, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom. The webinar was facilitated by Dr. Frank Porporino, IACFP President, and Cherie Townsend, Executive Director. Over 300 people from 50 countries registered for the webinar.
The Top 3 Strategic Initiatives for 2023 are:
- International Partnerships and Projects
- Professional Development and Support
- Community Corrections
The IACFP Student Members are eligible to apply for the IACFP Student Research Award. The IACFP Board approved up to two $2500 USD research awards for calendar year 2024. Research Award Applications are available here.
The applications for the research awards will be based on the following:
- Research topic
- Research summary
- Contribution of the research to the literature and/or practice
- Alignment with the vision and goals of IACFP
- Preferences noted in the application process, i.e., research that may enhance practitioner practices and outcomes through innovative programs as well as the well-being of practitioners working in applied forensic and correctional psychology settings.
Timeline for 2024 Research Awards:
Application Process Open Now
17 May 2024 Deadline for Submitting Applications
1 July 2024 Decisions Announced for Final 2024 Awards
Questions regarding the process and eligibility should be addressed to