We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for September and October, 2023 include recent research; policy updates; considerations for practice; and upcoming conferences. Coming Soon… The IACFP Board is making changes in the way it communicates with its members. The first step will be the integration of Higher Logic, a member and customer engagement platform, into the website. This will provide an updated member portal, add the ability for members to engage with one another through the IACFP Connected Community (if they choose to do so), and create a foundation for … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Sep/Oct 2023
Book Review: Gripping Insights: Recent Psychological Research on Hong Kong Corrections
This book is a compilation of eleven papers written on the research and clinical practice performed by the psychological services section staff of the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department’s Rehabilitative Division between 2018-2022. The year 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the 40th anniversary of the Correctional Services Department. The release of this book coincided with the celebration of these anniversaries. As noted by Mr. Wong Kwok-hing, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services, in the forward of the book: “One of the strategic focuses of our Department is to broaden and deepen its research capacity. … [Read more...] about Book Review: Gripping Insights: Recent Psychological Research on Hong Kong Corrections
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Jul/Aug 2023
We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for July and August, 2023 include recent research; policy updates; considerations for practice; and upcoming conferences. Coming Soon… The IACFP Board is making changes in the way it communicates with its members. The first step will be the integration of Higher Logic, a member and customer engagement platform, into the website. This will provide an updated member portal, add the ability for members to engage with one another through the IACFP Connected Community (if they choose to do so), and create a foundation for future … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Jul/Aug 2023
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for May/Jun 2023
We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for May and June, 2023 include recent research; policy updates; considerations for practice; and upcoming conferences. 1. Research Recovering Identity—Criminalized Women’s Fight for Dignity and Freedom Cesraéa Rumpf is the author of this book that captures the journey of formerly incarcerated women from their identities as criminals and addicts to rehabilitated and positively contributing to their families and communities. It chronicles their stories and analyzes the aspects of the criminal justice system that … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for May/Jun 2023
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Mar/Apr 2023
We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for March and April, 2023 include IACFP updates; member access to SAGE Journals; recent research, policy, and practice; and upcoming conferences. 1. IACFP Updates IACFP Student Research Award Applications Now AvailableIACFP Student Members are eligible to apply for the IACFP Student Research Award. The IACFP Board has approved up to two $2500 USD research awards for calendar year 2023. Research Award Applications are available here.Applications for the research awards will be independently evaluated by a 3-member board … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Mar/Apr 2023
IACFP Announces Completion of Report on Mental Health in Community Corrections
In 2019, the IACFP Board began to focus on community corrections as one of its priorities. Their goal was to advance research and support for effective mental health service delivery systems in community corrections worldwide. The first phase of this work was to conduct a literature review and to scan research and practice. The board then utilized their networks to reach out to jurisdictions around the world to build a diverse scope from which to examine and learn. The details of the scope of phase one were summarized in the April 2021 IACFP Bulletin. The results of the first phase can be found in the document, “Mental Health and Community Corrections: International Perspectives.” The … [Read more...] about IACFP Announces Completion of Report on Mental Health in Community Corrections
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Jan/Feb 2023
We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for January and February, 2023 include IACFP updates, recent research, emerging practices, and upcoming conferences. 1. IACFP Update The IACFP Board met on 17 January 2023. At that time, they adopted a budget for 2023 that supports the priorities noted in the last issue of the IACFP Bulletin. Those areas of strategic focus are: International Strategy Professional Education and Support Community Corrections Funding for projects includes some financial support for the 2nd in-person … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Jan/Feb 2023
Life After State Punishment: A Conversation with IACFP Distinguished Scholars on the Criminal Justice System
During the most recent IACFP board meeting, there was discussion on how exciting it would be to bring together past IACFP Distinguished Scholars to discuss criminal justice reform on a video platform. The opportunity was not possible due to scheduling challenges; however, Fergus McNeill shared a video with us that discussed the issues of community integration for individuals who have experienced the criminal justice system. This discussion involved three IACFP Distinguished Scholars: Reuben Miller, Shadd Maruna, and Fergus McNeill, as well as Marguerite Schinkel, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow. This article summarizes the video. Punishment and Reintegration The panel first … [Read more...] about Life After State Punishment: A Conversation with IACFP Distinguished Scholars on the Criminal Justice System
IACFP Board in Action: Back In Person After Three Years
Front Row (left to right): Frank Porporino, Melvin Hinton, Diane Williams, Dick Althouse Back Row (left to right): Jim DeGroot, Jeffrey Metzner, Emma Regan, Gabriel Ong, Matt Epperson The IACFP Board held its first in-person meeting in nearly three years in November 2022. In addition to conducting the business of the Association, the Board spent significant time on developing their strategic focus for the future and tactical and operational plans. The board has identified three areas for strategic focus: International Strategy Professional Education and Support Community Corrections The international strategy is proposed to have five areas of focus: 1) geographic … [Read more...] about IACFP Board in Action: Back In Person After Three Years
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Nov/Dec 2022
We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for November and December, 2022 include IACFP updates, recent research, emerging practices, and upcoming conferences. 1. IACFP Updates The IACFP membership has elected Dr. Emma Regan as IACFP President-elect. Her term will begin on 1 January, 2023. Dr. Regan currently serves as Head of Psychological Services for the Irish Prison Service. The day before the IACFP Board met in November 2022, the IACFP Europe Board met for their annual meeting. The IACFP Europe Board includes Frank Porporino, Diane Williams, and … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Nov/Dec 2022
Interview with Joe Bugher, Assistant Director of Health Services, Oregon DOC, on the Oregon Way Model
Joe Bugher started his career with the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) as a correctional officer. After several years in that role, followed by seven years as a correctional counselor, he was promoted to positions in mental health and management within the department. Recently he visited Norway through the Correctional Leaders Immersion Program. This article summarizes his observations during that visit and what he views as next steps in implementation in his work as a leader for the Oregon Way model. The purpose of the visit to Norway was to expose the correctional leaders from Oregon, California, and North Dakota—50% of whom were health care leaders—to correctional practices in … [Read more...] about Interview with Joe Bugher, Assistant Director of Health Services, Oregon DOC, on the Oregon Way Model
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Sept/Oct 2022
We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for September and October, 2022 include IACFP updates; new research on mental health and trauma-informed care; and resources for practice. 1. IACFP Updates The IACFP will be announcing nominations for President-Elect in October 2022. This will be followed by ballots being sent to IACFP members for the thirty-day voting period. Please respond when you receive your ballot. Frank Porporino, Ph.D., IACFP Past-President, provided the opening keynote address at the 5th World Congress on Probation and Parole in … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for Sept/Oct 2022